
Chin.J.Chem.Eng. ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 1370-1382.DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2018.03.026

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Features of the motion of gel particles in a three-phase bubble column under foaming and non-foaming conditions

Gabriel Salierno1, Mauricio Maestri1, Stella Piovano1, Miryan Cassanello1, María Angélica Cardona2, Daniel Hojman2, Héctor Somacal2,3   

  1. 1 Laboratorio de Reactores y Sistemas para la Industria-LARSI, Dep. Industrias, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Int. Güiraldes 2620, C1428 BGA Buenos Aires, Argentina;
    2 Laboratorio de Diagnóstico por Radiaciones-LADiR, Dep. de Física Experimental, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica(CNEA), San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
    3 Universidad de San Martín, San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Received:2017-12-01 Revised:2018-02-27 Online:2018-08-03 Published:2018-06-28
  • Contact: Miryan Cassanello,E-mail
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the FONCyT (PICT2014-0704), CONICET (PIP1122015-0100902CO), and Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBACyT 20020130100544BA).

Features of the motion of gel particles in a three-phase bubble column under foaming and non-foaming conditions

Gabriel Salierno1, Mauricio Maestri1, Stella Piovano1, Miryan Cassanello1, María Angélica Cardona2, Daniel Hojman2, Héctor Somacal2,3   

  1. 1 Laboratorio de Reactores y Sistemas para la Industria-LARSI, Dep. Industrias, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Int. Güiraldes 2620, C1428 BGA Buenos Aires, Argentina;
    2 Laboratorio de Diagnóstico por Radiaciones-LADiR, Dep. de Física Experimental, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica(CNEA), San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
    3 Universidad de San Martín, San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 通讯作者: Miryan Cassanello,E-mail
  • 作者简介:Daniel Hojman,E-mail;Héctor Somacal,E-mail
  • 基金资助:

    Supported by the FONCyT (PICT2014-0704), CONICET (PIP1122015-0100902CO), and Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBACyT 20020130100544BA).

Abstract: Features of the motion of gel particles in a three-phase bubble column with non-foaming and foaming gas-liquid systems, determined by using experiments of radioactive particle tracking (RPT), have been compared. The tracer used is a gel particle which resembles typical immobilized biocatalyst. The tracer trajectory is analyzed to extract relevant information for design purposes. The solid velocity field, turbulence parameters, dispersion coefficients, mixing times and flow transitions are determined and compared. The presence of foam significantly affects many quantified parameters, especially within the heterogeneous flow regime. The hydrodynamic stresses are reduced in the presence of foam, especially close to the disengagement. The dispersion coefficients also decrease, and the solid mixing time is only slightly affected by the presence of foam. Gas holdup, inferred both from RPT experiments and from gamma ray scanning, is higher for foaming systems and leads to a shift in the transition gas velocity towards higher values.

Key words: Bubble columns, Solid motion, Gel beads, Foaming, Particle tracking, Mixing

摘要: Features of the motion of gel particles in a three-phase bubble column with non-foaming and foaming gas-liquid systems, determined by using experiments of radioactive particle tracking (RPT), have been compared. The tracer used is a gel particle which resembles typical immobilized biocatalyst. The tracer trajectory is analyzed to extract relevant information for design purposes. The solid velocity field, turbulence parameters, dispersion coefficients, mixing times and flow transitions are determined and compared. The presence of foam significantly affects many quantified parameters, especially within the heterogeneous flow regime. The hydrodynamic stresses are reduced in the presence of foam, especially close to the disengagement. The dispersion coefficients also decrease, and the solid mixing time is only slightly affected by the presence of foam. Gas holdup, inferred both from RPT experiments and from gamma ray scanning, is higher for foaming systems and leads to a shift in the transition gas velocity towards higher values.

关键词: Bubble columns, Solid motion, Gel beads, Foaming, Particle tracking, Mixing