Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (8): 275-292.DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2023.02.003
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Alexander Nti Kani, Evans Dovi, Aaron Albert Aryee, Runping Han, Zhaohui Li, Lingbo Qu
Runping Han,
Alexander Nti Kani, Evans Dovi, Aaron Albert Aryee, Runping Han, Zhaohui Li, Lingbo Qu
Runping Han,
Alexander Nti Kani, Evans Dovi, Aaron Albert Aryee, Runping Han, Zhaohui Li, Lingbo Qu. Mechanisms and reusability potentials of zirconium-polyaziridine-engineered tiger nut residue towards anionic pollutants[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, 60(8): 275-292.
Alexander Nti Kani, Evans Dovi, Aaron Albert Aryee, Runping Han, Zhaohui Li, Lingbo Qu. Mechanisms and reusability potentials of zirconium-polyaziridine-engineered tiger nut residue towards anionic pollutants[J]. 中国化学工程学报, 2023, 60(8): 275-292.
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