Chin.J.Chem.Eng. ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 79-88.DOI: 10.1016/S1004-9541(14)60009-4
ZHOU Ying, LIN Zhen, WU Kejun, XU Guohua, HE Chaohong
HE Chaohong
Supported by:
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21176206) and the Project of Zhejiang Key Scientific and Technological Innovation Team (2010R50017).
周颖, 林真, 吴可君, 徐国华, 何潮洪
HE Chaohong
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21176206) and the Project of Zhejiang Key Scientific and Technological Innovation Team (2010R50017).
ZHOU Ying, LIN Zhen, WU Kejun, XU Guohua, HE Chaohong. A Group Contribution Method for the Correlation of Static Dielectric Constant of Ionic Liquids[J]. Chin.J.Chem.Eng., 2014, 22(1): 79-88.
周颖, 林真, 吴可君, 徐国华, 何潮洪. A Group Contribution Method for the Correlation of Static Dielectric Constant of Ionic Liquids[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 22(1): 79-88.
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