
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (7): 1586-1594.DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2018.12.022

• Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Residence time distribution of high viscosity fluids falling film flow down outside of industrial-scale vertical wavy wall: Experimental investigation and CFD prediction

Shichang Chen, Lihao Zhang, Yongjun Wang, Xianming Zhang, Wenxing Chen   

  1. National Engineering Laboratory for Textile Fiber Materials and Processing Technology(Zhejiang), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China
  • Received:2018-09-02 Online:2019-10-14 Published:2019-07-28
  • Contact: Wenxing Chen

Residence time distribution of high viscosity fluids falling film flow down outside of industrial-scale vertical wavy wall: Experimental investigation and CFD prediction

Shichang Chen, Lihao Zhang, Yongjun Wang, Xianming Zhang, Wenxing Chen   

  1. National Engineering Laboratory for Textile Fiber Materials and Processing Technology(Zhejiang), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China
  • 通讯作者: Wenxing Chen

Abstract: The flow behavior of gravity-driven falling film of non-conductive high viscosity polymer fluids on an industrial-scale vertical wavy wall was investigated in terms of film thickness and residence time distribution by numerical simulation and experiment. Falling film flow of high viscosity fluids was found to be steady on a vertical wavy wall in the presence of the large film thickness. The comparison between numerical simulation and experiment for the film thickness both in crest and trough of wavy wall showed good agreement. The simulation results of average residence time of falling film flow with different viscous fluids were also consistent with the experimental results. This work provides the initial insights of how to evaluate and optimize the falling film flow system of polymer fluid.

Key words: Falling film flow, High viscosity polymer fluid, Residence time distribution, Film thickness, Numerical simulation

摘要: The flow behavior of gravity-driven falling film of non-conductive high viscosity polymer fluids on an industrial-scale vertical wavy wall was investigated in terms of film thickness and residence time distribution by numerical simulation and experiment. Falling film flow of high viscosity fluids was found to be steady on a vertical wavy wall in the presence of the large film thickness. The comparison between numerical simulation and experiment for the film thickness both in crest and trough of wavy wall showed good agreement. The simulation results of average residence time of falling film flow with different viscous fluids were also consistent with the experimental results. This work provides the initial insights of how to evaluate and optimize the falling film flow system of polymer fluid.

关键词: Falling film flow, High viscosity polymer fluid, Residence time distribution, Film thickness, Numerical simulation