Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 14-28.DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2020.12.014
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Yang Zhang, Jing Yu, Yilu Wu, Mingda Li, Yuxuan Zhao, Haowen Zhu, Changjing Chen, Meng Wang, Biqiang Chen, Tianwei Tan
Tianwei Tan
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Yang Zhang, Jing Yu, Yilu Wu, Mingda Li, Yuxuan Zhao, Haowen Zhu, Changjing Chen, Meng Wang, Biqiang Chen, Tianwei Tan
Tianwei Tan
Yang Zhang, Jing Yu, Yilu Wu, Mingda Li, Yuxuan Zhao, Haowen Zhu, Changjing Chen, Meng Wang, Biqiang Chen, Tianwei Tan. Efficient production of chemicals from microorganism by metabolic engineering and synthetic biology[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 29(2): 14-28.
Yang Zhang, Jing Yu, Yilu Wu, Mingda Li, Yuxuan Zhao, Haowen Zhu, Changjing Chen, Meng Wang, Biqiang Chen, Tianwei Tan. Efficient production of chemicals from microorganism by metabolic engineering and synthetic biology[J]. 中国化学工程学报, 2021, 29(2): 14-28.
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