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Testing for nonlinearity of vertical upward oil-gas-waterthree-phase bubble and slug flows


  1. 天津大学
  • 收稿日期:2011-04-18 修回日期:2011-12-25 发布日期:2012-07-06
  • 通讯作者: 金宁德ndjin


  • Received:2011-04-18 Revised:2011-12-25 Published:2012-07-06

摘要: 基于实验获取的垂直上升油气水三相流电导波动信号,我们采用替代数据法考察了油气水三相流泡状流及段塞流动力学特性。研究结果表明:在固定油水液相流量时,随着气相表观流速及油相含率增加,水包油泡状流趋向于确定性运动行为;而在固定油水液相流量时,随着气相表观流速增加,其水包油段塞流动力学特性变得越来越复杂;油相含率变化会对段塞流动力学特性带来不规则影响。通过研究发现替代数据法是表征水包油油气水三相流泡状流及段塞流动力学特性的可靠分析工具。

关键词: 油气水三相流 , 非线性检验 , 电导波动信号 , 替代数据

Abstract: Based on the conductance fluctuation signals measured from vertical upward oil-gas-water three-phase flow experiment, we use surrogate data method to investigate dynamical characteristics of oil-in-water type bubble and slug flows. The results indicate that oil-in-water type bubble flow will tend to deterministic motion behavior with the increase of oil phase fraction( ) and superficial gas velocity( ) under fixed flowrate of oil and water mixture; The dynamics of oil-in-water type slug flow will become more complex with the increase of under fixed flowrate of oil and water mixture; The change of will result in irregularly influence on the dynamics of slug flow. These interesting findings suggest that the surrogate data method can be a faithful tool for characterizing the dynamic characteristics of oil-in-water type bubble and slug flows.

Key words: oil-gas-water three-phase flow, nonlinear test, conductance fluctuating signals, surrogate data
