刁彦华a; 赵耀华b; 王秋良
DIAO Yanhua(a); ZHAO Yaohua(b); WANG Qiuliang
a Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
b The College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China
摘要: A digital photographic study of pool boiling with binary mixture R11(CCl3)-R113(CCl3CF3) was performed on a horizontal transparent heater at pressure of 0.1MPa. A high speed digital camera was applied to record the bubble behaviors in boiling process. Strong effects of composition on bubble departure diameter, departure time, nucleation density were observed, which was attributed to the nature of the activation of the boiling surface and mass diffusion effects. The bubble departure diameter, departure period and nucleation density as functions of composition for binary mixtures R11-R113 were presented respectively. From the video images, it can be concluded that evaporation of microlayer is very important to the growth of bubble. It is also observed that there is not any liquid recruited into the microlayer below the bubble.