
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 131-139.DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2022.01.002

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Measuring absolute adsorption in porous rocks using oscillatory motions of a spring-mass system

Younki Cho, Ryan Lo, Keerthana Krishnan, Xiaolong Yin, Hossein Kazemi   

  1. Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA
  • Received:2021-06-29 Revised:2022-01-04 Online:2022-06-18 Published:2022-04-28
  • Contact: Xiaolong Yin,
  • Supported by:
    The authors acknowledge support from the Colorado School of Mines Undergraduate Research Fellowship, the Unconventional Natural Gas and Oil Institute (UNGI) and the Unconventional Reservoir Engineering Project (UREP) consortia at the Colorado School of Mines, and the Chevron International Fellowship.

Measuring absolute adsorption in porous rocks using oscillatory motions of a spring-mass system

Younki Cho, Ryan Lo, Keerthana Krishnan, Xiaolong Yin, Hossein Kazemi   

  1. Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA
  • 通讯作者: Xiaolong Yin,
  • 基金资助:
    The authors acknowledge support from the Colorado School of Mines Undergraduate Research Fellowship, the Unconventional Natural Gas and Oil Institute (UNGI) and the Unconventional Reservoir Engineering Project (UREP) consortia at the Colorado School of Mines, and the Chevron International Fellowship.

Abstract: We present an oscillation-based method to measure absolute adsorption, or total gas, contained in porous rocks without and with excess adsorption. Experiments conducted with a macroporous Berea sandstone sample in nitrogen where excess adsorption is negligible show that absolute adsorption can be obtained after the added mass of co-accelerated gas outside the sample is subtracted. In experiments conducted in propane with a crushed Niobrara shale sample with micro- and mesopores, absolute adsorption included significant excess adsorption. After subtracting both the added mass outside the sample and the gas that would be in the sample assuming no excess adsorption existed, estimated excess adsorption of propane is in good agreement with that projected based on capillary condensation of propane in the volume of mesopores.

Key words: Adsorption, Porous media, Shale, Capillary condensation, Oscillation

摘要: We present an oscillation-based method to measure absolute adsorption, or total gas, contained in porous rocks without and with excess adsorption. Experiments conducted with a macroporous Berea sandstone sample in nitrogen where excess adsorption is negligible show that absolute adsorption can be obtained after the added mass of co-accelerated gas outside the sample is subtracted. In experiments conducted in propane with a crushed Niobrara shale sample with micro- and mesopores, absolute adsorption included significant excess adsorption. After subtracting both the added mass outside the sample and the gas that would be in the sample assuming no excess adsorption existed, estimated excess adsorption of propane is in good agreement with that projected based on capillary condensation of propane in the volume of mesopores.

关键词: Adsorption, Porous media, Shale, Capillary condensation, Oscillation