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28 June 2016, Volume 24 Issue 6
    Microfluidic technology for multiphase emulsions morphology adjustment and functional materials preparation
    Xuehui Ge, Hong Zhao, TaoWang, Jian Chen, Jianhong Xu, Guangsheng Luo
    2016, 24(6):  677-692.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.02.009
    Abstract ( 2186 )   PDF (7477KB) ( 123 )  
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    Multiphase emulsions could be used as templates in considerable fields such as coating, optical materials, standard particles and biomedicine. Among various emulsion forming methods, microfluidic technology, with good monodispersity, high controllability and operation simplicity, has been widely used in the preparation of multiphase emulsions with different systems. This review would focus on the basic principles of forming multiphase emulsions, the recent progress in controlling multiphase flow in microfluidics, and preparation of functional materials with microfluidics mainly by the authors' research group.We believe that the review will contribute to the readers in this prospective area very well.
    A review of chemical absorption of carbon dioxide for biogas upgrading
    Fouad R. H. Abdeen, Maizirwan Mel, Mohammed Saedi Jami, Sany Izan Ihsan, Ahmad Faris Ismail
    2016, 24(6):  693-702.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.05.006
    Abstract ( 2842 )   PDF (419KB) ( 1021 )  
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    Significant attention has been given to biogas production, purification and upgrading as a renewable and clean fuel supplement. Biogas is a product of an anaerobic digestion process comprising methane, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases. Biogas purification removes trace gases in biogas for safe utilisation. Biogas upgrading produces methane-rich biogas by removing bulk carbon dioxide from the gas mixture. Several carbon dioxide removal techniques can be applied for biogas upgrading.However, chemical absorption of carbon dioxide for biogas upgrading is of special significance due to its operation at ambient or near ambient temperature and pressure, thus reducing energy consumption. This paper reviews the chemical absorption of carbon dioxide using amine scrubbing, caustic solvent scrubbing, and amino acid salt solution scrubbing. Each of these techniques for biogas upgrading is discussed. The paper concludes that an optimised implementation of the chemical absorption techniques for biogas upgrading requires further research.
    Mass transfer in gas-liquid stirred reactor with various triple-impeller combinations
    Jinjin Zhang, Zhengming Gao, Yating Cai, Ziqi Cai, Jie Yang, Yuyun Bao
    2016, 24(6):  703-710.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2015.12.008
    Abstract ( 4275 )   PDF (6836KB) ( 425 )  
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    The gassed power demand and volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLα) were investigated in a fully baffled, dished-base stirred vessel with a diameter of 0.30 m agitated by five triple-impeller combinations. Six types of impellers (six-half-elliptical-blade disk turbine (HEDT), four-wide-blade hydrofoil impeller (WH) pumping down (D) and pumping up (U), parabolic-blade disk turbine (PDT), and CBY narrow blade (N) and wide blade (W)) were used to form five combinations identified by PDT+2CBYN, PDT+2CBYW, PDT+2WHD, HEDT+2WHD and HEDT+2WHU, respectively. The results show that the relative power demand of HEDT+2WHU is higher than that of other four impeller combinations under all operating conditions. At low superficial gas velocity (uG), kLα differences among impeller combinations are not obvious. However, when uG is high, PDT+2WHD shows the best mass transfer performance and HEDT+2WHU shows theworstmass transfer performance under all operating conditions. At high uG and a given power input, the impeller combinations with high agitation speed and big projection cross-sectional area lead to relatively high values of kLa. Based on the experimental data, the regressed correlations of gassed power number with Froude number and gas flow number, and kLα with power consumption and superficial gas velocity are obtained for five different impeller combinations, which could be used as guidance for industrial design.
    Simulation of the mixing process in a straight tube with sudden changed cross-section
    Yangcheng Lü, Shan Zhu, Kai Wang, Guangsheng Luo
    2016, 24(6):  711-718.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.01.011
    Abstract ( 1761 )   PDF (2000KB) ( 84 )  
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    In this work,we revised the expression ofmixing intensity to describe the mixing output through a cross section in a flow system by considering heterogeneity of flow field, and carefully investigated the mixing process along a straight tube with expanding/contracting cross section by simulation method. The simulation results show that a sudden expansion of cross section has remarkable mixing intensification effect within a limited period (on the sub-second scale) or tube-length (on the millimeter scale), corresponding to the generation of considerable local vortices determined by both the flow capacity and the ratio of cross section change; a sudden contraction of cross section has instantaneous but weak mixing intensification effect; through introducing a local expansion structure with proper length, as the combination of sudden expansion and sudden contraction, their mixing intensification effects could be superposed. Besides, the rationality and importance are experimentally verified to explore the time profile of mixing intensity and carry out the vortex analysis by simulation for enhancing the selectivity of a complicated reaction system. These progresses may lead to more meaningful quantitative description of mixing process in a flow microreactor for some specific chemical processes.
    CFD simulation of bubbly turbulent Tayor-Couette flow
    Xi Gao, Bo Kong, R. Dennis Vigil
    2016, 24(6):  719-727.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.01.013
    Abstract ( 2157 )   PDF (1689KB) ( 389 )  
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    Bubbly gas-liquid Taylor-Couette vortex flow has been the subject of several recent investigations both because of interest in bubble-induced drag reduction and because such devices have potential applications to a variety of chemical and biochemical processing problems. In order to quantitatively describe the hydrodynamics of highly turbulent two phase Taylor-Couette flow, a rigorous two-fluid computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was developed and compared with previously published experimental data. This model includes a comprehensive description of the constitutive closure for inter-phase forces and turbulence was simulated using both the k-ε and k-ω models. In addition, the mechanism by which the dispersed fluid attains a non-uniform radial and axial distribution is analyzed and the relative importance of various interphase forces is discussed. Lastly the model was validated by comparison of simulation predictions with experimental data, and it is shown that the CFD model correctly predicts phase velocity, velocity fluctuation, and gas distribution, and may provide guidance for reactor design and scale-up.
    An empirical study on vortex-generator insert fitted in tubular heat exchangers with dilute Cu-water nanofluid flow
    M. Khoshvaght-Aliabadi, M. H. Akbari, F. Hormozi
    2016, 24(6):  728-736.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.01.014
    Abstract ( 1892 )   PDF (2198KB) ( 105 )  
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    The heat transfer enhancement (HTE) in tubular heat exchangers fitted with vortex-generator (VG) inserts is experimentally investigated. The studied four parameters and ranges are:winglets-pitch ratio (1.33, 2.67, and 4), winglets-length ratio (0.33, 0.67, and 1), winglets-width ratio (0.2, 0.4, and 0.6), and Reynolds number (5200 to 12200). The testing fluids are the water and Cu-water nanofluid at the volumetric fraction of 0.2%. The results obtained on HTE, pressure drop, and performance evaluation criterion (PEC) are compared with those for water in a smooth tube. It is found that the VG inserts with lower winglets-pitch ratio and higher winglets-length/width ratios present higher values of HTE and pressure drop. Over the range studied, the maximum PEC of 1.83 is detected with the Cu-water nanofluid inside the tube equipped with a VG insert at the winglets-width ratio of 0.6 for the maximum Reynolds number, when the heat transfer rate and pressure drop are 1.24 times and 2.03 times of those in the smooth tube. Generalized regression equations of the Nusselt number, friction factor, and PEC are presented for the tubular heat exchangers with the VG inserts for both water and Cu-water nanofluid. It is concluded that the main advantage of the VG inserts is their simple fabrication and considerable performance, particularly at higher Reynolds number.
    Analysis of the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of two-phase flow based on an improved matrix pencil method
    Hongwei Li, Junpeng Liu, Yunlong Zhou, Bin Sun
    2016, 24(6):  737-748.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.01.015
    Abstract ( 2048 )   PDF (3711KB) ( 140 )  
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    Gas-liquid two-phase flow is complex and has uncertainty in phase interfaces, which make the two-phase flow look very complicated. Even though the flow behavior (e.g. coalescence, crushing and separation) of single bubble or bubble groups in the liquid phase looks random, combining some established characteristics and methodologies can find regularities among the randomness. In order to excavate the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow, the authors developed an improved matrix pencil (IMP) method to analyze the pressure difference signals of the two-phase flow. This paper elucidates the influence of signal length on MP calculation results and the anti-noise-interference ability of the MP method. An IMP algorithm was applied to the fluctuation signals of gas-liquid two-phase flow to extract themode frequency and damping ratio,which were combined with the component energy index (CEI) entropy to identify the different flow patterns. It is also found that frequency, damping ratio, CEI entropy and stability diagram together not only identify flow patterns, but also provide a new way to examine and understand the evolution mechanism of physical dynamics embedded in flow patterns. Combining these characteristics and methods, the evolution of the nonlinear dynamic physical behavior of gas bubbles is revealed.
    A CFD model for gas uniform distribution in turbulent flow for the production of titanium pigment in chloride process
    Yadong Li, Gang Xie, Ting Lei, Chongjun Bao, Lin Tian, Yanqing Hou
    2016, 24(6):  749-756.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.04.051
    Abstract ( 2207 )   PDF (2575KB) ( 156 )  
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    The fluid dynamic behavior of feeding gas (TiCl4) in an annular channel affects the combination of O2 and TiCl4 in an oxidation reactor, a key piece of equipment in titanium pigment production. The numerical procedure was validated by a 3-dimensional gas flow in the annular channel. Applying the validated model, the flow characteristics of TiCl4 in the oxidation reactor with a tangential inlet were simulated and characterized. The flow distribution with five rectifying rings of different structure was simulated and analyzed. The results showed that the rectifying ring improved the distribution uniformity of the pressure and outlet velocity. Compared to the original case without a rectifying ring, the non-uniformity of the pressure and outlet velocity could be reduced by up to 91% and 69% respectively. The rectifying ring #5, which can be installed and adjusted easily, ismore effective in realizing even distribution. In addition, installation of the rectifying ring effectively reduced the circulating flow in an annular channel as well as the total energy loss.
    The turbulent behavior of novel free triple-impinging jets with large jet spacing by means of particle image velocimetry
    Jun Zhang, Youzhi Liu, Ying Luo
    2016, 24(6):  757-766.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.04.022
    Abstract ( 2201 )   PDF (9553KB) ( 47 )  
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    A novel reactor that achieves rapid liquid-liquid mixing via free triple-impinging jets (FTIJs) is developed to improve mixing efficiency at unequal flow rates for liquid-liquid reactions. The flow characteristics of FTIJs were investigated using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The instantaneous and mean velocities data at different Reynolds numbers (Re) were analyzed to provide insights into the velocity distributions in FTIJs. The effect of jet spacing on the stagnation points, instantaneous velocity, mean velocity, profiles of the x- and y-components of mean velocity, and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) distributions of FTIJs were investigated at Re=4100 with a volumetric flow rate ratio of 0.5. The characteristics of the turbulent flows are similar for all jet spacings tested. Two stagnation points are observed,which are independent of jet spacing and are not located in the center of the flow field. However, velocity and TKE distributions are strongly dependent on the jet spacing. Decreasing jet spacing increases the expansion angle and the values of TKE, leading to strong turbulence, improving momentum transfer and mixing efficiency in FTIJs. The present study shows that optimization of the operating parameters is helpful for designing FTIJs.
    Preparation and characterization of sulfated TiO2 with rhodium modification used in esterification reaction and decomposition of methyl orange
    Yu Niu, Fuying Li, Kai Yang, Ting Qiu, Renzhang Wang, Cheng Lin
    2016, 24(6):  767-774.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2015.12.016
    Abstract ( 1875 )   PDF (14461KB) ( 71 )  
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    A unique Rh/TiO2 solid acid catalyst modified with H2SO4 was synthesized and evaluated in the esterification reaction of propylene glycol methyl ether and decomposition of methyl orange (MO) in aqueous phase under halogen lamp irradiation. For this purpose, rhodium (Rh) nanoparticles were loaded on SO42-/TiO2 via the photo-deposition method. It was found that SO42-/Rh-TiO2 exhibited stronger catalytic activity than SO42-/TiO2. The new catalysts were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Results from XRD and BET show that SO42-/Rh-TiO2 has higher specific surface area and smaller pore size than SO42-/TiO2. The distribution of loaded Rh was found to be uniform with a particle size of 2-4 nm. Data from XPS reveal that Rh primarily exists as Rh0 and Rh3+ in Rh-TiO2 and SO42-/Rh-TiO2. These valence forms of Rh likely contribute to the enhanced catalytic activity. Furthermore, FT-IR spectra of the catalysts show an abundance of surface hydroxyl groups, which help the formation of hydroxyl radicals and the enhancement of surface acid density. The results show that more acid sites are formed on the sulfated Rh-TiO2, and these acidic sites are largely responsible for improving the catalytic performance. This superior SO42-/Rh-TiO2 catalyst has potential applications in reactions requiring efficient acid catalysts, including esterification reactions and waste water treatment.
    Online process monitoring for complex systems with dynamic weighted principal component analysis
    Zhengshun Fei, Kangling Liu
    2016, 24(6):  775-786.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.05.038
    Abstract ( 1815 )   PDF (1978KB) ( 116 )  
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    Conventional multivariate statistical methods for process monitoring may not be suitable for dynamic processes since they usually rely on assumptions such as time invariance or uncorrelation. We are therefore motivated to propose a new monitoring method by compensating the principal component analysis with a weight approach. The proposed monitor consists of two tiers. The first tier uses the principal component analysis method to extract cross-correlation structure among process data, expressed by independent components. The second tier estimates auto-correlation structure among the extracted components as auto-regressive models. It is therefore named a dynamic weighted principal component analysis with hybrid correlation structure. The essential of the proposed method is to incorporate a weight approach into principal component analysis to construct two new subspaces, namely the important component subspace and the residual subspace, and two new statistics are defined to monitor them respectively. Through computing the weight values upon a new observation, the proposed method increases the weights along directions of components that have large estimation errors while reduces the influences of other directions. The rationale behind comes from the observations that the fault information is associated with online estimation errors of auto-regressive models. The proposed monitoring method is exemplified by the Tennessee Eastman process. The monitoring results show that the proposed method outperforms conventional principal component analysis, dynamic principal component analysis and dynamic latent variable.
    A stepwise optimal design of water network
    Ying Li, Jintao Guan
    2016, 24(6):  787-794.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.04.031
    Abstract ( 1806 )   PDF (1289KB) ( 183 )  
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    In order to take full advantage of regeneration process to reduce freshwater consumption and avoid the accumulation of trace contaminants, regeneration reuse and regeneration recycle should be distinctive. A stepwise optimal design for water network is developed to simplify solution procedures for the formulatedMINLP problem. In this paper, a feasible water reuse network framework is generated. Some heuristic rules from water reuse network are used to guide the placement of regeneration process. Then the outlet stream of regeneration process is considered as new water source. Regeneration reuse network structure is obtained through an iterative optimal procedure by taking the insights from reuse water network structure. Furthermore, regeneration recycle is only utilized to eliminate fresh water usage for processes in which regeneration reuse is impossible. Compared with the results obtained by relevant researches for the same example, the present method not only provides an appropriate regeneration reuse water network with minimum fresh water and regenerated water flow rate but also suggests a water network involving regeneration recycle with minimum recycle water flow rate. The design can utilize reuse, regeneration reuse and regeneration recycle step by step with minor water network structure change to achieve better flexibility. It can satisfy different demands for new plants and modernization of existing plants.
    Mixture temperature prediction of waxy oil-water two-phase system flowing near wax appearance temperature
    Ali Piroozian, Muhammad A. Manan, Issham Ismail, Rahmat Mohsin, Ali Esfandyari Bayat, Mac Darlington Uche Onuoha, Mahmoud Hemmati
    2016, 24(6):  795-802.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2015.12.022
    Abstract ( 1938 )   PDF (2898KB) ( 149 )  
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    Temperature sensitivity of waxy crude oils makes it difficult to study their flow behaviour in the presence of water especially near their wax appearance temperature (WAT). In this study a method was proposed and implemented to mitigate such difficulties which was applied in predicting mixture temperatures (Tm) of a typical Malaysian waxy crude oil and water flow in a horizontal pipe. To this end, two analytical models were derived firstly from calorimetry equation which based on developed two correlations for defining crude oil heat capacity actualized from the existed specific heat capacities of crude oils. The models were then applied for a set of experiments to reach the defined three predetermined Tm (26℃, 28℃ and 30℃). The comparison between the predicted mixture temperatures (Tm,1 and Tm,2) from the two models and the experimental results displayed acceptable absolute average errors (0.80%, 0.62%, 0.53% for model 1; 0.74%, 0.54%, 0.52% for model 2).Moreover, the average errors for both models are in the range of standard error limits (±0.75%) according to ASTM E230. Conclusively, the proposed model showed the ease of obtaining mixture temperatures close to WAT as predetermined with accuracy of ±0.5℃ approximately for over 84% of the examined cases. The method is seen as a practical reference point to further study the flow behaviour of waxy crudes in oil-water two-phase flow system near sensitive temperatures.
    Evolvement behavior of microstructure and H2O adsorption of lignite pyrolysis
    Yingyue Teng, Shijun Lian, Quansheng Liu, Yuzhe Liu, Yinmin Song, Runxia He, Keduan Zhi
    2016, 24(6):  803-810.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.04.012
    Abstract ( 1888 )   PDF (4441KB) ( 104 )  
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    The effect of pyrolysis on the microstructure and moisture adsorption of lignite was investigated with low field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Changes in oxygen-containing groups were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and H2O adsorption mechanism on the surface of lignite pyrolysis was inferred. Two major changes in the pore structure of lignite char were observed as temperature increased in 105-200℃ and 500-700℃. Pyrolysis temperature is a significant factor in removing carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyl from lignite. Variation of ether bond content can be divided into three stages; the content initially increased, then decreased, and finally increased. The equilibrium adsorption ratio, content of oxygen-containing groups, and variation of pore volume below 700° were closely correlated with each other. The amount of adsorbed water on char pyrolyzed at 700℃ increased. Moreover, the adsorption capacity of the lignite decreased, and the adsorption state changed.
    Integration of coal pyrolysis process with iron ore reduction: Reduction behaviors of iron ore with benzene-containing coal pyrolysis gas as a reducing agent
    Xin Li, Helong Hui, Songgeng Li, Lu He, Lijie Cui
    2016, 24(6):  811-817.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2015.12.020
    Abstract ( 2287 )   PDF (1486KB) ( 157 )  
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    An integrated coal pyrolysis process with iron ore reduction is proposed in this article. As the first step, iron oxide reduction is studied in a fixed bed reactor using simulated coal pyrolysis gas with benzene as a model tar compound. Variables such as reduction temperature, reduction time and benzene concentration are studied. The carbon deposition of benzene results in the retarded iron reduction at low temperatures. At high temperatures over 800℃, the presence of benzene in the gas can promote iron reduction. The metallization can reach up to 99% in 20 min at 900℃ in the presence of benzene. Significant increases of hydrogen and CO/CO2 ratio are observed in the gas. It is indicated that iron reduction is accompanied by the reforming and decomposition of benzene. The degree of metallization and reduction increases with the increasing benzene concentration. Iron oxide can nearly completely be converted into cementite with benzene present in the gas under the experimental conditions. No sintering is found in the reduced sample with benzene in the gas.
    Multiple linear equation of pore structure and coal-oxygen diffusion on low temperature oxidation process of lignite
    Xianliang Meng, Mingqiang Gao, Ruizhi Chu, Guoguang Wu, Qiang Fang
    2016, 24(6):  818-823.  doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2016.05.007
    Abstract ( 2318 )   PDF (1230KB) ( 206 )  
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    This work aimed at studying the feasibility of calculating the coal-oxygen diffusion properties during the low temperature oxidation process of lignite so as to predict its spontaneous combustion process. Coal samples were oxidized in air ambient under different temperatures. Scanning Electron Microscope was used to indicate the surface morphology changes of oxidization. Then, based on fractal theory and flow characteristics, the fractal dimension of gas diffusion in the pore ways was calculated under different temperature. Considering pore size distribution, connectivity distribution and Fick diffusion mechanisms, the relationship between the gas diffusivity change with pore area fractal dimension and porosity was investigated, and multiple linear equation of the coal-oxygen diffusion coefficients and pore parameters was obtained. Comparison between the experimental data and model prediction verifies the validity of the model. The research provides a theoretical basis for the prediction model of coal-oxygen diffusion law.