中国化学工程学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (6): 205-223.DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2022.11.001
• Full Length Article • 上一篇 下一篇
Hongwei Liang1,2, Wenling Li1,2, Zisheng Feng1,2, Jianming Chen2, Guangwen Chu1,2, Yang Xiang1,2
Yang Xiang,
Hongwei Liang1,2, Wenling Li1,2, Zisheng Feng1,2, Jianming Chen2, Guangwen Chu1,2, Yang Xiang1,2
Yang Xiang,
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摘要: In this paper, an improved computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model for gas-liquid flow in bubble column was developed using the one-equation Wary-Agarwal (WA) turbulence model coupled with the population balance model (PBM). Through 18 orthogonal test cases, the optimal combination of interfacial force models, including drag force, lift force, turbulent dispersion force. The modified wall lubrication force model was proposed to improve the predictive ability for hydrodynamic behavior near the wall of the bubble column. The values simulated by optimized CFD model were in agreement with experimental data, and the errors were within ±20%. In addition, the axial velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, bubble size distribution, and the dynamic characteristic of bubble plume were analyzed at different superficial gas velocities. This research work could provide a theoretical basis for the extension of the CFD-PBM coupled model to other multiphase reactors..
Hongwei Liang, Wenling Li, Zisheng Feng, Jianming Chen, Guangwen Chu, Yang Xiang. Numerical simulation of gas-liquid flow in the bubble column using Wray-Agarwal turbulence model coupled with population balance model[J]. 中国化学工程学报, 2023, 58(6): 205-223.
Hongwei Liang, Wenling Li, Zisheng Feng, Jianming Chen, Guangwen Chu, Yang Xiang. Numerical simulation of gas-liquid flow in the bubble column using Wray-Agarwal turbulence model coupled with population balance model[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, 58(6): 205-223.
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